Our team believes that every project and every client is unique, that is why we would love to talk to you and co-design your project to suit you.


Our team believes that every project and every client is unique, that is why we would love to talk to you and co-design your project to suit you.

Let's talk

Getting to know you

We want to know who you are, how you are, who you would like to be and what you are looking for. It is time to set your aspirations and your needs.

Then, we will gather relevant information about regulations and start the previous studies to explore your project's potential.

Let's design

Creating together

We will get deeply involved to get the project that will improve your life; and to do so, you will be part of the team.

During this process we will develop the concept design, and the developed design.


Spaces to be lived

A space is not actually alive until it is in use.

Up to this moment, all of us were part of the process. But now, is when you bring the spaces that we designed with you to life!

However, this is not where we disapear. We will keep in touch to see how you are settling in, and assess your building performance.

Rio Lado, Adrian


Architect & Passivhaus designer

ETSAC 2013.

Sheffield School of Architecture 2015.

Instagram: @adrian.riverside


Priscilla Agliardi, David González, Pedro A. Fernández Goicoechea.


Bob Adams Prize in Urbanism and Town Regional Planning


Urban Colonization Structures in Luzern (Switzerland).
Best Urbanism & Town Regional Planning design proposal among all the SSoA Postgraduate students. Sheffield School of Architecture.

Europan 15


Overlapping Vallbona (Barcelona, Spain).
Second prize (ex aequo), in collaboration with Taller Bivaque, Atelier BergerMilà, Emmanuelle Blondeau and Léonard Cattoni.


Cadernos Fin de Carreira vol.8. Strategies (II) in a rururban context


Wine cellar in O Ribeiro. Degree Thesis selected and published by the ETSA, Universidade da Coruña.

Urban Planning Project in Caldas de Reis and Urban Planning Project in Regensburg


Selected works to be published by the Department of Design and Urbanism.
TU10 Planning Area. ETSA, The University of A Coruña.

Cemetery Project in Oleiros


Selected works to be published by the Department of Design and Urbanism.
TP10 Project Area. ETSA, The University of A Coruña.

We would love to meet you:


+34 616 50 50 98


We would love to meet you:


+34 616 50 50 98